Covered Activities

While there are many activities involving minors on and around campus, only covered activities are required to be registered under the Protecting Minors policy. Please read below for information about covered activities.

What is a covered activity?

A covered activity is an organized camp, program, activity, or event involving minors where care, custody, supervision, and/or control of minor(s) (other than minors who are employees or enrolled students) will be the responsibility of a university employee and/or student (other than the minor’s parent/guardian) or of a third party acting on behalf of, or pursuant to a contract with, the university or on university property.  

To help you determine whether or not you may need to register your youth camp, program, activity, or event, answer a few questions using our covered activity questionnaire.  

If you are unsure about whether or not your camp, program, activity, or event meets the definition of a covered activity under the Protecting Minors policy, please contact the Office of Youth Protection and Programming by emailing

If I’m operating a covered activity, what is required for registration?

Camps, programs, activities, and/or events meeting the criteria of a covered activity must meet the following requirements to receive approval to operate:  

  1. Register the activity with the Office of Youth Protection and Programming at least 60 days prior to the start date. 
  2. Covered activity staff must complete required background screening, including a successful Live Scan.
  3. Covered activity staff must complete required training approved by the Office of Youth Protection and Programming on preventing, recognizing, and reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.

More detailed information, including procedures and operational requirements for covered activities, can be found in the Protecting Minors policy

What are examples of what a covered activity might be? 

covered activity may include, but is not limited to, research activities involving minors; academic, athletic, or recreational activity offered to minor participants, such as summer camps, sports camps, academic camps, theater camps, music camps, workshops, conferences, competitions, group experiential learning opportunities, or other enrichment programs; and internships. Covered activities may be residential (overnight) or non-residential (day programs). 

What are not considered covered activities? 

Please email us at so that we can help you determine if you may be planning a covered activity that requires registration with our office.

A covered activity typically would not include the following:

  • Events such as USC collegiate sporting events, concerts, festivals, speaker series, and other educational or entertainment events on university property that are open to the general public where minors may be present but are not in the care or custody of university staff or students
  • Keck Medicine of USC patient interactions, which are governed by regulations and legal reporting requirements relating to clinical activities 
  • University classes that include enrolled students who may be minors

Register Your Activity

All covered activities must be registered online with the Office of Youth Protection and Programming 60 days before the start date.